Google Forms

Mood Meter Project
1. Open Google Chrome and then sign in to your Google Drive.

2. Click "New" then "More..." and then "Google Forms".

3. Title your form "Mood Meter Form"

4. For the first question type, "How pleasant do you feel? (5 is the best, -5 is the worst)." Then select "Dropdown".

5. For option 1, type 5. Click "Add Option" to create option 2 and then type 4. Click "Add Option" to create option 3 and then type 3. Repeat this process until you have an option for each of the following: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, and -5.

6. Make the question required, then click the Duplicate button to copy your question.

7. Change "How pleasant do you feel? (5 is the best, -5 is the worst)." to read "How much energy do you have? (5 is the most, -5 is the least).".

8. Click the plus sign to add another question. 

9. Change the question type to Short Answer.

10. Change the question to read, "Based on your pleasantness and energy, which word in the graphic below best describes how you're feeling?". Make this question required as well.

11. Click on the image below to show the full-size view. Then save it in your Pictures folder. 

12. In your Mood Meter Form, click the Add Image icon on your 3rd question. Then click "Choose an image to upload". 

13. Select the image you just downloaded, then click "Open".

14. Click the Preview icon in the top-right corner of your Form. It should look like the example below.

15. Close the tab with the preview. Then click on the Color Palette icon. Feel free to change the Color, Theme, or Add an Image to the background of your Google Form.

16. When you're done editing, click Preview again.

17. In the tab that just opened, click the Star in the top-right corner of Google Chrome. Name the Bookmark "Mood Meter Form" and set the Folder to "Bookmarks Bar". Click Done.

Your Mood Meter Form is now finished.

Do not click here until instructed to do so.


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